GAVO One Beat Event

The GAVO Caerphilly One Beat Event is an opportunity for organisations to come together, and publicise the work they do, while offering support and advice for anyone who is interested. The Spring 2024 edition was held in Blackwood Rugby Club, and Caerphilly People First were there along with other organisations including Caerphilly Parent Network, Petra Publishing, Llais, Disability Can Do, Platfform, Citizen’s Advice, Person to Person, and many others.

There were also live demonstrations for people to enjoy on the day, including first-aid, tae kwon do, yoga, and Welsh folk music. In addition, there were activities for people to get involved in, including an Easter egg hunt and various craft activities. It was great to see so many people there we already know, and also to meet new people and learn about the great work being done by so many organisations.

Gardening at TARAGGAN

Head Gardener Morgan Jones:

When I had a look at the weather forecast for Tuesday, I was disappointed to see that rain was forecast for the majority of the day. When Christy said “we’re going up the allotments now” I was pretty surprised because at the time it was hammering down outside. When we got to TARAGGAN allotments me, Gethin, Rees, Anthony and Chris went inside the bottle shed to plant broccoli seeds, courgette seeds, and parsley seeds into tubs. This was much better than being outside and getting drenched like drowned rats. In a few weeks when we go back up to TARAGGAN me and everyone else are hoping to see progress with the seeds. Fingers crossed each of the seeds will have some growth.

Independent Living Skills

During yesterday’s Independent Living Skills course run by Austistic Minds we talked about coping techniques and creating a coping skills toolbox. This is a place for you to keep things that calm you down in periods of distress. The group learned about various coping techniques such as self-soothing (comforting yourself using different techniques), distraction (taking your mind off things by doing something that makes you happy), keeping a diary to express your feelings, and meditation. Next week we will be learning more about personal hygiene, including shaving.

Focus Group Art Session

Yesterday we enjoyed our third session with Elizabeth from the Islwyn Arts Art and Wellbeing project. The group drew and coloured animals and insects – including butterflies, hedgehogs, wasps and bees – for our nature canvas. We also painted the two canvas backgrounds which we will transfer the animals and insects onto at a later session. #communityempowerment

Cookery Course

Great start to our Cookery project last week which has been funded by #ComicRelief Community Fund in Wales! This project will help our local community by encouraging people to eat healthier and become more independent.

We’d like to thank everyone who volunteered on the launch day of the project, particularly Natalie who suggested making leek and potato soup (eaten with a warm baguette), a perfect choice for a cold and frosty day. The food was delicious and the positive feedback from the group was great to hear.

The course continues Friday 27th January at 10.30am at Fleur-de-Lys community centre. You are welcome to book a place on 07940 474640, but hurry because the class is almost full!

Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales

We have received £3,000 from the Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales to fund a community group where adults with learning disabilities will come together and learn basic cookery skills, how to use kitchen equipment, and how to prepare a healthy meal.  Many of our members have gained weight during the pandemic and want to learn how to cook healthier meals. Some members have told us that they would like to live independently in the future, and would like to learn basic cooking skills to give them to confidence to do so.

The sessions will also make a difference to the lives of our members by giving them the opportunity to socialise in a group environment and make new friends, reducing isolation and loneliness, and improving mental health. We will be holding 13 sessions in total, and they will begin on Friday 20th from 10:30am-2:30pm at Fleur-De-Lys Community Centre. They are free to attend for anyone with a learning disability, and if anyone is interested in attending they can contact Ffion on 07488 350518.
