Reconnect through Music

We love our RecRock sessions! Our communication skills, social skills, knowledge, confidence, and friendships are all improving. It’s the perfect setting in the perfect place, Libanus Lifestyle – Wales CIC.

Yesterday, our members and volunteers met for a sing-along and a catch-up over a cuppa. We sang and shared our love of music while some belted out great songs by great musical artists. Thanks to the Libanus Lifestyle – Wales CIC Team for providing delicious hot dogs for lunch – they were enjoyed by all.

We are attending a peaceful protest at the Senedd next week, so there will be no Reconnect through Music. We will be leaving Bargoed YMCA around 11:30 on Wednesday, so feel free to join us at the ‘Homes not Hospitals’ protest in Cardiff Bay.

Gardening Project

Head Gardener, Morgan Jones:

When me, Gethin, Rees, Christy and the twins (Chris & Anthony) arrived at TARAGGAN allotments on Tuesday, Kyle Richards told us we’d be planting onions.

We went into the polytunnel, and I couldn’t believe how hot it was in there. There were lots of plant pots for us to fill, so we filled them to the top, but made sure there was also enough room to put an onion bulb in. Once we’d finished filling every pot up and placing the bulbs into the compost it was time to go back to the YMCA for some lunch.

Following this, as the sun was shining brightly, we went for a walk through the Bargoed Woodlands and back to the office. When everyone got back to the YMCA, we were all absolutely exhausted. I had nothing to moan about because I love walking, and getting out in the fresh air is so lovely.

Reconnect through Cookery

At Friday’s cookery session, fajitas were prepared and cooked by our amazing members and volunteers. They tasted delicious and were enjoyed by everyone at our Reconnect through Cookery group.

A big shoutout to all our volunteers who worked incredibly hard cooking, washing up, doing the quiz, raffle, and bingo, ensuring everyone had a fantastic time!

It was great to welcome another new member today, Jane, who gave wonderful feedback and will be coming back to help us prepare, cook, and eat chicken curry next week.

We ended today’s session by wishing our member Anthony a big happy birthday with a yummy chocolate cake that he kindly shared with everyone.

These sessions are kindly funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

Relationship Course

Ffion was back delivering her relationship courses at Oxford house yesterday, and it was great to see everyone again after our Easter break. We spoke about the word ‘no’, and the different ways you can say no to someone. We also spoke about personal space. The next session will be on Monday 14th April from 10am-11am, when we will be talking about sex education, safe sex, and pornography. If anyone would like to join the session, or if you would like more information, please contact Ffion on 07488 350518.


Head Gardener Morgan Jones:

The first thing me, Gethin, Chris, Anthony, and Christy did at our TARAGGAN allotments this week was to get cracking with filling all the plastic trays with soil. As Head Gardener it was my job to keep checking that everyone was doing their bit. Thank you to Kyle for another educational session; we can’t wait to see everything grow in the following months.


Yesterday our members made Easter-themed masks in preparation for the Parent Network Community Forum’s Planet event. Thank you to Cheryl for facilitating today’s group and to Amy and Tina for assisting.

We don’t have a craft session next Tuesday afternoon, but we’ll be going for a lovely Spring walk instead! Our members will be meeting at 12.30 outside Bargoed YMCA if you would like to join us!