
We visited TARAGGAN yesterday morning and had a great time transferring the parsley from the bottle greenhouse to the raised beds in wheelbarrows and replanting it.

Parsley is often used as a garnish, adding a bright green color and fresh flavor to dishes. It enhances the taste of soups, stews, salads, and sauces.

We will be back at TARAGGAN on the 30th of July, so please feel free to join us. Thanks, Kyle, Samantha and Dillon.

Gardening at TARAGGAN

Caerphilly People First Volunteers have been working on weeding one of the plots and tidying up at TARAGGAN Educational Gardens. The gardens are looking beautiful, with lots of flowers and fruits making an appearance. We volunteer at TARAGGAN every Tuesday morning at 10:30am. If you want to join us, please feel free to pop along.

This a report by head gardener Morgan Jones on our most recent visit to the allotments:

Earlier this morning me, Christy Taylor, Gethin Chamberlain & Rees Powell went up to TARAGGAN allotments to do a shift on the garden. When we got there, I asked Kyle Richards “What is there for us all to do on the garden today?” He said “there’s weeding that needs to be done, so we’ll do that.” As I’ve done since I was appointed Head Gardener I told both boys what they had to do in order for us all to start gardening. I told Rees to get the trowels and kneeling pads out of shed 1, and between myself and Gethin we got 2 wheelbarrows out of shed 2 to put all the weeds in.


Yesterday our volunteers were at TARAGGAN Educational Gardens & Nursery. Gardening involves physical activities like digging, planting and weeding, which can improve strength and overall fitness. Being outdoors and working in the garden can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

This is a report written by our Head Gardener, Morgan Jones:

When me, Christy, Gethin, Rees, and the twins Chris & Anthony went to TARAGGAN allotments yesterday I could see there was a huge pile of tree bark just inside the gates, which needed scooping up. So all of us, including Kyle Richards & Samantha Sian Price, scooped up the bark and took wheelbarrows full of it to the top end of the allotment. Yet another productive session doing what I love best. Helping out up the gardens, being a Head Gardener.

Tuesday Group Activities: Gardening & Crafts

Head Gardener, Morgan Jones:

When me, Christy Taylor, Rees Powell, Sophie Morgan and the twins, Chris & Anthony Davies, went up to TARAGGAN Educational Gardens & Nursery allotments yesterday morning it was a bit drizzly but it didn’t stop us from working.

At the far left of the allotments, there were loads of wood chippings which needed shifting. So we all took turns shovelling the wood chippings into the wheelbarrow so it could all be taken down to the fruit patch to be evenly spread.

Once we’d finished taking the stuff down to the fruit patch, Kyle & Christy raked the chippings out so that the ground was even. When all of us had cleared tools away, and put the wheelbarrows back it was time to go back to the YMCA for lunch.

Following this Cheryl started her craft session with us. Originally she said we’d be making necklaces, but when Cheryl told us we would also be making wooden bookmarks, I was really pleased because I’m an artistic person. When I had finally finished making a necklace and two bookmarks, I was proud of myself.

Gardening at TARAGGAN

Yesterday, our volunteers at TARAGGAN Educational Gardens & Nursery were awarded certificates for their outstanding contributions to the gardens by the lovely Caren from GAVO Caerphilly. Thanks to Kyle Richards for presenting the certificates to our volunteers: Christopher Davies, Anthony Davies, Morgan Jones, Gethin Chamberlain, and Rees Powell.

During the morning everyone continued to work hard, weeding the fruit plot and transferring pots to the greenhouse. Next week, we plan to continue removing bindweed from the plot and laying some bark. We are at the gardens every Tuesday morning from 10:30am until 12:00pm. Please feel free to come along!

Gardening and Walk

Yesterday our volunteers managed a visit to TARAGGAN Educational Gardens & Nursery, until the rain came down so heavily that it was too wet to work on the plots, so everyone worked together transferring pots from the polytunnel over to the greenhouse. We volunteer at the gardens every Tuesday from 10:30am until 12:00pm. If you would like to join us, please let us know.

As there was no crafts session yesterday, the group decided to go for a walk around Gilfach, as you can see in the second photo below.

Gardening Group

Head Gardener Morgan Jones:

Yesterday me, Christy, Gethin, Rees, and the twins Chris & Anthony went up to TARAGGAN allotments and started by taking all the plant pots up to the top of the allotments, so they could be planted into the soil later on. When it was about 11:00ish, me… Gethin, Rees & Kyle were in the middle of hoeing the patch we were working on and I asked Samantha what we were going to plant, and she said “onions, my lovely.” By the time all the onions had been planted into the ground, it was time for me and the others to clean any tools we were using and then we headed back down to the YMCA for us all to have our lunch.


Well done to our volunteers who worked on our plots at TARAGGAN Educational Gardens yesterday. It was a cold and windy one, but we were finally able to work on the plots with the helping hands of Kyle Richards, Samantha, Sian Price, and Dillon, who showed us how to hoe the land and plant onions.

CPF is at TARAGGAN Educational Gardens & Nursery every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. Please feel free to join us!

Gardening Group

Yesterday our volunteers planted chives at TARAGGAN Educational Gardens & Nursery. Chives are green herbs with long, green stems used to flavor a dish or as a garnish. Chives are in the lily family, but they’re related to onions as well. Like onions, they are bulbous perennials, but you’ll likely never see the bulbs unless you’re a gardener. Thanks to Kyle Richards, Samantha Sian Price, and Dillon for teaching us how to do this correctly. See you next week.