Head Gardener, Morgan Jones:
When me, Christy Taylor, Rees Powell, Sophie Morgan and the twins, Chris & Anthony Davies, went up to TARAGGAN Educational Gardens & Nursery allotments yesterday morning it was a bit drizzly but it didn’t stop us from working.
At the far left of the allotments, there were loads of wood chippings which needed shifting. So we all took turns shovelling the wood chippings into the wheelbarrow so it could all be taken down to the fruit patch to be evenly spread.
Once we’d finished taking the stuff down to the fruit patch, Kyle & Christy raked the chippings out so that the ground was even. When all of us had cleared tools away, and put the wheelbarrows back it was time to go back to the YMCA for lunch.
Following this Cheryl started her craft session with us. Originally she said we’d be making necklaces, but when Cheryl told us we would also be making wooden bookmarks, I was really pleased because I’m an artistic person. When I had finally finished making a necklace and two bookmarks, I was proud of myself.