This is a report by Morgan Jones, volunteer and Head Gardener:
When I was in Caerphilly People First yesterday, me Ffion, Gethin Chamberlain, Rees Powell and others had a crafts session with Multiply. Whilst I was there, I was given a piece of paper and a pair of scissors so I could cut it down to size, ready for when it was time to make my leather bracelet.
Using the piece of paper I was given, I had to write down either my name, or something else on there. I decided to do my initials. Once I’d done that, out of all the colours of leather that was on the table I chose red as it’s my favourite colour. I cut it to the same size, so it could be the same length as the paper and then went into another room to choose the letters I’d like on bracelet.
After I’d chosen the letters, I had a hammer and I placed each letter onto the leather and tapped them so it made a mark. Then before I went back into the room where I was bracelet making, I had to choose what coloured popper I wanted. The last thing I had to do when I went back into the other room, was to go over the letters with a permanent marker pen.