Relationship Course

Last week Ffion Poole delivered the final part of her relationship course at Oxford House. The last session focused on human rights. We discussed the barriers people face when it comes to relationships, our right to have relationships, and we also talked about fairness, equality, and respect. Well done to everyone who attended the sessions. Your input and views were great to hear, and we’ve all learned something new over the past few weeks.

Learning Disability Event

As part of Learning Disability week 2024 Caerphilly People First volunteers recently attended a Learning Disability event at the Civic Centre in Pontypool. They shared their opinions and experiences about going out with friends and the barriers they face. They also talked about having paid employment and what their ideal job would be, with Gethin saying he would like to be a train driver. Additionally, they discussed their rights, emphasising their right to live happily in the community, the right to love, and the right to make their own choices. Working with all the feedback will ensure service providers hear our voice and work together to improve things for our future.

MIRROR Award Winner Ffion Poole

Congratulations to member and Executive Assistant Ffion Poole for winning the MIRROR Rights Award at last week’s All Wales People First AdFest conference, for running her relationship courses for adults with learning disabilities. During the past year Ffion has delivered her training to over 50 people, covering topics such as:

What makes a good friend and a bad friend. How to make friends and avoid arguments.
What makes a good boyfriend/girlfriend, and how you might begin a relationship.
Understanding your body.
‘My body, my choice’.
Sex education.
The rights you should have in a relationship.

Some of the feedback she has received as a result of these sessions include:

‘I’ve learned how to go about making friends, and now I know the signs of a bad friendship’.
‘I know about safe sex now, and I also understand my body more’.
‘I have learned what makes a good friend and I will try to be a better friend in the future’.

Ffion has done an amazing job informing people of their rights, and her work has been really important and helpful to people with learning disabilities.

Reconnect Through Music

Our members had a great morning yesterday blasting out some old classics and floor bangers with RecRock. Thanks to Daniel Fitzgerald, Zac Winwood, and Lexy Gingell.

Singing in a group is good for social bonding, stress relief, physical health, enjoyment, and fun, which is something everyone has at these sessions. Thanks to Libanus for providing lunch. Remember, there’ll be no group next week due to us attending Adfest in Cardiff.


Yesterday our volunteers were at TARAGGAN Educational Gardens & Nursery. Gardening involves physical activities like digging, planting and weeding, which can improve strength and overall fitness. Being outdoors and working in the garden can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

This is a report written by our Head Gardener, Morgan Jones:

When me, Christy, Gethin, Rees, and the twins Chris & Anthony went to TARAGGAN allotments yesterday I could see there was a huge pile of tree bark just inside the gates, which needed scooping up. So all of us, including Kyle Richards & Samantha Sian Price, scooped up the bark and took wheelbarrows full of it to the top end of the allotment. Yet another productive session doing what I love best. Helping out up the gardens, being a Head Gardener.


On Thursday 6th June, Ffion, Natalie and Gethin – supported by Christy – attended Viva Fest in Maerdy, which was organised by Cwm Taff People First. This is an annual festival for adults with learning disabilities, and this year the attractions included a stiltwalker, balloon crafts, a magician, a drumming workshop, arts and crafts, and evening entertainment which included singers and a disco. They also had stalls from different organisations such as Innovate Trust, Llais, the Arts Factory and many more. It was a fantastic day and we were lucky to be blessed with a bit of sunshine.