Tuesday Focus Group

Report from Volunteer and Head Gardener, Morgan Jones:

In Caerphilly People First last week, me Ffion Poole, Amy Jones, Rees Powell, Gethin Chamberlain & others had a session in Multiply. Whilst we were all there, we were given a broken milk carton and we painted all around it, inside & outside. We then chose a stencil, and with it we drew the outline on a piece of paper. Then using the stencil, we chose a felt tip pen and with the stencil coloured the shape of it onto the carton. After we’d done the that, we were all given a tub of soil & Broccoli Calabrese Seeds and we sprinkled them into the carton so we could then water it. Once we finished what we were doing in Multiply, we all went back down to the CPF office to have our lunch before the health nurse came in to have a chat to us.