Christmas Crafts

Thank you to Cheryl Smith from The Parent Network Community Forum for a great afternoon of Christmas Crafts this week. It was lovely to see some new members joining us, as well as our usual group. Our Craft workshops are a great way to learn new skills, reduce isolation and loneliness, and make new friends. Please follow Caerphilly People First on Facebook if you’d like to learn about future events and workshops.

Scrabble Art Workshop

It was great to see everyone at our crafts session yesterday, where we took part in a scrabble art workshop. We used scrabble letters and glitter to make name frames. Thanks to Cheryl from The Parent Network for running the session; she will be joining us again next week when members will personalise their own mug. Thank you to Caerphilly Cwtsh Community & Localgiving (Magic Little Grant) for funding this activity.

Reconnect Focus Group

On Tuesday 28th June the Caerphilly People First Reconnect Focus Group had another craft session with Cheryl from the Parent Network. We made fairy jars, and some members made bracelets for themselves, friends or family. Thank you Cheryl for another fantastic session.

We’d also like to welcome Sam who has started volunteering with Caerphilly People First. Here are his thoughts on his first session – “I felt that it was really good, I learnt some new skills, for example participating in the allotment project along with the craft session. I feel that my confidence and social interaction are being developed, as I can come across as a shy and quiet person who can get very nervous when meeting new people for the first time. Thank you for your help and support, it’s very much appreciated. I look forward to seeing everyone at the next session.”

If you would like to get involved in the work on the allotments or our craft sessions please contact us on 07488 350518, 01443 834444 or 07940 474640.

Reconnect Focus Group

As many of you know, Learning Disability Week takes place from Monday 20th June – Sunday 26th June, and this year’s theme is reconnecting with friends and family after COVID. As we will be travelling to North Wales to attend the All Wales People First annual conference next week, we will be unable to hold our Caerphilly People First Reconnect Focus Group. Because of this, members decided to bring the Learning Disability Week activity forward, and reconnected at a craft session delivered by Cheryl from The Parent Network. The group made friendship bracelets and added their own names, or the name of a friend or family member. We had a great session; it was lovely to see members old and new.

Caerphilly People First Focus Group

The Focus Group would like to say a massive thank you to staff from the Caerphilly Parent Network who joined the group for this week’s craft session. They taught the group how to make stress balls and decorate them, items which will prove very useful! Everybody had great fun and the Parent Network staff were great, very helpful and interactive. We look forward to undertaking more partnership work with the Parent Network in the future.